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Your privacy is important when you visit this website or communicate with us.

In operating this website no Personal information is collected from you.

No responsibility or liability is accepted for the privacy policy of websites to which this website may link.


A cookie is a small text file which is placed onto your device when you access this website. We use cookies to enhance your experience.

This website uses a small number of cookies which are described below.

First Party Cookies

These are Cookies set by this website. They are not essential for the functionality of the website, and include:-

LAST_VISITED - a Persistent Cookie used in order to notify you of recent course date additions. This Cookie will expire after 90 days.

VISITING - a Persistent Cookie used in order to notify you of recent course date additions. This Cookie will expire after 1 hour.

SERVERID - a Session Cookie which is used by our hosting provider, and relates to their webserver load balancing software. This Cookie expires when you leave the website or close the browser window.

cookieconsent_status - a Persistent Cookie which is used to record the cookie message having been delivered, so you don't see the message every time you change pages. This Cookie will expire after 30 days.

Third Party Cookies

These are Cookies set by third-parties, and as such they are responsible for any cookies which they set on our website. Third-party cookies used on this website include:-

chn_uuid - a Persistent Cookie set by and used in relation with the Tripadvisor widget. The purpose for this Cookie is unknown. This Cookie appears to persist for approximately 5 minutes.

sa_aud_cmp - a Persistent Cookie set by and used in relation with the Tripadvisor widget. The purpose for this Cookie is unknown. This Cookie appears to persist for approximately 10 seconds.

sa_dmp_synced - a Persistent Cookie set by and used in relation with the Tripadvisor widget. The purpose for this Cookie is unknown. This Cookie appears to persist for approximately 1 month.

st_browser_id - a Persistent Cookie set by and used in relation with the Tripadvisor widget. The purpose for this Cookie is unknown. This Cookie appears to persist for approximately 1 year.

Tripadvisor widget

This website uses a widget from Tripadvisor for the purpose of displaying reviews. The provider is:-

Tripadvisor LLC
400 1st Avenue
Needham, MA 02494, USA
UK Website:

By clicking the "Read reviews" link, a new window opens. You will be able to read reviews of Essex Powerbost School and see various other information provided by Tripadvisor.

By clicking the "Write a review" link, a new window opens. If you submit a review that data is transmitted to, and stored on, a server related to Tripadvisor. Essex Powerboat School has no influence over this data or its method of transfer.

The Tripadvisor privacy policy can be found here:

The Tripadvisor widget is used in the interest of presenting independent reviews of our services, and to give you the opportunity to provide a review of our services on Tripadvisor.

Should you have any concerns or queries relating to our Privacy & Cookie policy, please contact us. Our contact details are shown at the foot of every page.

More information regarding cookies, what they can be used for, and how to disable them, can be found at

This Policy may be updated from time to time. This version dated 27th April 2020. Your continued use of this website assumes you accept this Privacy & Cookie policy.